Board Statement on Appointments
I am delighted to report that the Government has announced the appointment of Mrs Tanya Titman and Mr Ian Kellock as part-time members of the Board of Taxation (the Board) for a three-year period from 12 May 2021. On behalf of the Board, I welcome Tanya and Ian and look forward to working with them.
Both Tanya and Ian have a wealth of experience which will allow them to make valuable contributions to the work of the Board.
Tanya is a Partner at BDO and the Head of Strategic Innovation. She has 25 years of experience working with SMEs in areas such as strategic planning and management accounting. Mrs Titman founded her own small business and is the creator of BDO’s Startups Program and Business Growth Program for SMEs. Mrs Titman is a fellow of CPA Australia.
Ian is a tax Partner at Ashurst, specialising in corporate and international tax and focused on taxation of mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructures, financing and other major transactions. Mr Kellock has over 20 years’ experience in taxation and is a Chartered Accountant.
I would also like acknowledge the contributions of two valued members who have recently completed their terms with the Board, Dr Mark Pizzacalla and Mr Craig Yaxley.
Mark’s expertise related to small business tax issues bringing a wealth of experience to the Board’s reviews including bare trusts, individual tax residency, deferred consideration, and CGT roll-overs. In particular, Mark chaired the important Review into Small Business Concessions.
Most recently, Craig chaired the Board’s ongoing review in CGT roll-overs where his experience in corporate restructures proved to be invaluable in the development of the Board’s advice to Government. His corporate tax and accounting insights also resulted in the Board’s 2018 Reports on the alignment of tax and accounting concepts. He also provided the Board with an important connection to Western Australia, where he is well-known and respected within the tax and business communities.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Mark and Craig for their work with the Board over the past six years and wish them well for the future.