Currently there seems to be no way for tax agents to access taxpayer superannuation contribution details that the ATO holds. The ATO applies this info in assessing Div293 tax but the tax agent cannot accurately estimate for a client what the Div293 liability will be because tax agents cannot access the info that the ATO holds about contributions made on behalf of a taxpayer for a financial year. The tax agent can guess that there will be a Div293 liability based on income details in the tax return and reportable contributions on the payment summary and can estimate how much was paid in SG contributions. But due to timing diffs between when employers pay contributions and when those contributions are allocated to the employee's account by the fund, such calcs can only be a guess in the absence of the super contributions that the ATO holds. Could the ATO provide agents with this info, whether by way of a downloadable report or by way of lookup on the Portal?
What does the Sounding Board community think of this idea?